Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Another Treasure

       Disclaimer : One Piece belongs to Oda sensei
       Summary   : just a little romance in One Piece
       Genre        : romance
       Pairing       : Zoro x Robin 

       WARNING : Little lime inside... :p


“Nami, Robin! Back to the ship now!”  Luffy yelled out while face Smoker. 

“Not so easy boy” Smoker smirked at him. “Chase those girls!” Smoker order

Sanji and the others were facing the marine, Nami and Robin made a walk toward the seashore.  But Robin stopped when she saw the green-haired swordsman was fighting in the second floor’s porch with a dark-haired woman. ‘Tashigi’ she thought. She turned back and run toward the building.

“Robin! Where are you going?” Nami cried as Robin run away

“I’ll be back soon Miss Navigator” Robin kept running toward the second floor. ‘How could he face her, I must help him’. But it’s not an easy thing, two marines chase after her. ‘Shit, I have no time for this’. She face them “SEIS FLEUR!” six arms grew from those marine’s body and their neck “CLUTCH!” she cried and cracked sounds was heard in air before those marine fell on the ground. ‘Zoro, please wait’

“Why Roronoa? You couldn’t beat me?” said Tashigi

‘Tashigi.. Kuina.. Tashigi.. Kuina.. no, she was Tashigi! Kuina has gone.’ Zoro told himself.

“Cursed you woman! I more than willing to cut you to pieces!” hissed Zoro

“Then prove it” whispered Tashigi as move closer toward him

“You… you.. Don’t you dare..” then all his words was cut off by her kiss


She went up across the stairs and run toward the porch. She opened the door and shocked, the only thing she could see that Zoro was kissing Tashigi. Robin did nothing but froze.

“Zo..ro..” she whispered, she felt that the tears started filled her eyes.
Zoro turned his head toward the frozen raven-haired woman in the door. His eyes wide in shocked. Robin run away, but he could see her tears

“Robin..” he released from Tashigi and run after her. “ROBIN! Wait!” she turned to face him, her tears were drowning on her cheek. ‘DAMN IT! I made her cry’ Zoro cursed himself, “Robin, listen to me” He tried calmed her, but she just stared at him painfully.

Zoro moved forward slowly, “Robin, it’s not like what you thought.” He reached his hand to her

“Don’t!” she whispered while took a step back.

“Robin..” Zoro said in desperate as moved to catch her

“Stay away!” she cried. And she saw Tashigi showed behind him


“DOS FLEUR!” two hands grew from the floor and held his legs keep on his place. “I hate you, Mr. Swordsman..” she said weakly as run away.

“ROBIN!!” he tried to release but those hands gripped his legs tightly.

“Roronoa..” Tashigi tried to spoke but cut off by him

“Just go away or I’ll cut you to pieces Tashigi, for real!” he said coldly. He really pissed to himself, ‘I made her cry. I would never forgive myself’. He ran as those hana-hana hands lost and turned to sakura’s petals. He ran outside and tried to chase Robin.

 He saw Luffy was fighting with smoker. Sanji, Franky, and Chopper were facing the marines and Ussop was busy scratching the blackboard with his nails for his stupid “Sogeking Noise!” then Zoro threw his gaze looking for Robin. He saw her run toward the ship, he ran after her but then he saw a marine tried to shoot her. ‘SHIT!’ he ran toward that marine, put wadou to his mouth, Sandai Kitetsu and Yubashiri in his hands “Santoryu…”


His eyes wide in shocked, he saw Robin fell on the ground. Her shoulder was bleeding and she groaned when held the pain. He got piss off and glared at that marine, then he placing Wadou back. “YOU BASTARD!!!” cried Zoro. “SANJU ROKU… POND CANNON!” the only thing that could be seen was Zoro beheaded that marine’s head. He never beheaded someone in his life before, he even didn’t know why he did it now, as if it just happen.

 He ran toward her, he was speechless. He kneel down and hold her bloody body. He stared at her. Pale. Unconscious. Bleeding. He didn’t know what to do, he just held her tightly and shook her body harshly. “Robin…Robin wake up..” he whispered huskily in her hair.

“Oi you, stupid marimo! What the hell are you doing there? We need you here!” cried Sanji while he saw Zoro kneel down on the ground. His eyes snapped in wide as he looked who’s in his arms. “ROBIN CHAN! What the hell happened to her?” yelled Sanji as ran towards him. No response. “DAMN YOU SHITTY HEAD! WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO HER?” cried Sanji as he tried to take Robin’s body from Zoro’s arms.

“DON’T TOUCH HER!” cried Zoro, he stood up and make a walk to the ship, ‘I must save her! Robin, don’t leave me!’

“CHOPPER!COME HERE AND TAKE CARE OF ROBIN!” Sanji cried at Chopper. Chopper who was facing the marines ran towards them, he saw Robin’s unconscious body.

“What happening?” asked him confusedly


“Zoro, give her to me, I’ll take care of her..” said Chopper hastily, Zoro kept moved away and ignored him. “Zoro…”


Sanji moved and pulled Zoro’s collar, “Oi bastard, what could you do? COULD YOU SAVE HER HUH? YOU JUST LET HER HURT! JUST LET CHOPPER LOOK AFTER HER! We need you here!”

Right, nothing he could do. Zoro stopped and turned facing Chopper, “Save her, I’m begging to you…” he whispered as gave Robin to Chopper.

“I would!” said Chopper as he made his walk

“Oi Shitty head, we…” Sanji never saw him like this before, his eyes was so dark. The only thing he could see in his eyes was a desire- desire to kill.


He could see nothing, only Robin in his head. No more.
“NITORYU….” Zoro moved towards the marines “NIGIRI OTORO!” the bodies was scattered on the ground. “IAI RASHOMON” more, “TORO NAGASHI” more, “SANSEN SEKAI!” more, “108 POUND CANON!” more, “SANTORYU TATSUMAKI…. LIFE CYCLE!” more, he was totally lost control.

Tashigi come and saw him, “RORONOA!” she cried, Zoro face her. He placing Sandai Kitetsu and Yubashiri back to their sheath and held on Wadou, he walked toward her.

“IAI…” he could think nothing but Robin, he didn’t care if he must kill someone or has been killed. He only could see Robin and her bloody body, “SHISHI SONSON!”

A woman cried


Chopper came out from his room, tears drowning on his check. “She was saved, bur she lost so much blood…. We need the transfusion” he said to all of the crew.

“What type of blood?” asked Nami

“AB, and we need to hurry” said Chopper still sobbed

“It’s me… I’ll give her my blood, even all of them” Sanji spoke to Chopper

“Come on Sanji, we need to hurry!”

“If something happen to her, I would never forgive you BASTARD!” said Sanji to the frozen swordsman on the edge of the ship before followed Chopper.

Zoro look away to the sea, ‘Even you, couldn’t hate me as much as I hate myself. If something happen to her, I’m more than willing for begging you to kill me’. Nami looked at him, she could felt his feeling. She knew that Robin means something for him- maybe everything, she walked and stood next to him. She looked away to the sea, sighed once before speak.

“Zoro… it wasn’t your fault. It’s an accident.” Said Nami tried to comfort him

“It was..” said Zoro coldly, he bent while continue his words, “I’ve hurt her.. I made her cry.. I made her laying there…bleeding..” he said sadly

“You’re not, she got hurt because those marines, not YOU! She would understand and forgive you Zoro…”

“She won’t.. You didn’t see the way she looked at me… She won’t Nami..” Nami was shocked, Usually Zoro just called her with ‘witch’ or even ‘bitch’, but now he called her name. She could see how hurt he was. “And if something happen to her..”

“She would be saved! Chopper was taking care of her now! Just take it Zoro” she cut his words before left him alone.

“I wish…” Zoro whispered to himself. ‘God.. If you’re really exist, then prove it. Save her.. I’m begging to you..’ he looked up the high sky


He was lost in thought about their raven-haired archeologist while he heard a knock on his door. ‘Shit! What is it?’ he gave no response. Another knocked, ‘DAMN IT!’ he got up from his bed, walked and opened the door annoyed.

“What the hell is it?” he said before frozen, yeah the one that he was thinking about was there. Stood In front of him. Smiling. Real. Perfect.

“May I come in Mr. Swordsman?” she asked softly as stared at him.

He frown but said “Yes of course..” he let her come and closed the door before followed her. “Hmm.. what’s going on?” he asked her coldly.

She chuckled and looked at him, “Hmm… I just felt that the night’s breeze is colder than usual.” She smiled. ‘What the heck! How could she say that damn shame thing with that damn gorgeous smile?’ cursed Zoro in his mind. “Mr. Swordsman… what’s wrong?’ she asked him firmly- still smiling.

“Erw.. mmm… nothing..” he bet his face as red as MONGKY ASS now. “So… Wh- What do you want from me? You can ask that stupid ass-cook to make you a simple cup of coffee” he spoke nervously. “It will make you feel warmer.”

“I see.. But I thought, I have another way to feel warmer. And it absolutely much better than coffee” said Robin softly as moved closer to him. ‘DAMN IT! She teased me now’ cursed Zoro as he felt intimidation from her close. He felt his cheek warmer, he never so close with any woman before, not because he’s not interested with women, he just didn’t want to waste any time for ‘stupid thing’ like flirting or crush. He’s not like that stupid love-cook. ‘No! She must be just teased me, to see if I’m as weak as she though. She totally wrong if she thought that she can play with me like a fool’

“What the hell are you talking about Robin?” he said in annoyed.

She took one step closer, he took one step back toward the bed. “You know exactly what I’m talking about… Zoro-kun” she whispered as move closer again. ‘Oh CRAP! Now she called me by my name to tease me. I knew she said it on purpose’ hissed him in his mind. Zoro felt something hotter than before brushing his cheek. His heart beat faster, sweat started to flow from his forehead. He took another back steps and stopped as his legs touch the edge of the bed. He opened his mouth to speak but nothing a single words coming out. ‘Ergg…’ he held a deep groan in his throat.

“You try to tense me huh?” he tried to keep his focus and spoke as cold as he can, ‘Oh God, even saint couldn’t ignore her in this situation, and WHAT THE HECK WITH THIS?’ Zoro cursed as he felt a strange sensation in his stomach.

“Try to tense you? What do you mean Zoro-kun?” she moved even closer. Now their space just a few inches, he could felt her breath. He just realized that he was taller than her. “Answered me Zoro-kun” teased Robin, and in one sudden push, Zoro landed on his bed. She has made a move now, and there’s no way back.

“Oi..oi Robin, what the..” his words was lost as he saw Robin climbed over him and sat on his lap. “Oi Robin, cut…cut it off” he spoke but sound like a groan. He couldn’t do anything but closed his eyes and wrapped his palm over his face.

“Why? You didn’t like it, Zoro?” she bent and whispered on his neck. He bit his lips to hold his moan. Robin brushed her index finger over his chest. “I guess I’ve got the answer..” she said again. Zoro still closed his face with his palm, tried to control himself. ‘SHIT! It won’t work’ cursed him. “Do you still not believe on me Zoro?” she asked him while slid her hand under his shirt and touched his bare chest. Zoro couldn’t hold his moan, she smiled. ‘Seems it’s work’ thought her.

“Ro..Robin… stop it” his voice sounds like a pray.

“You’re not answered me yet…” she pulled up his shirt over his head, he opened his eyes. ‘DAMN IT! You’ll pay for this curse woman!’ he swore.

“No, I.. I.. don’t believe you..” he tried to control his voice. “Cut it off Robin, I can beat you!”

“Prove it.. Cut me to pieces Zoro, or just throw me to the sea. Then you can sleep tight and pretend you don’t know anything when they asked you about my lost. So easy right?” she started to kiss along his scar on his chest. Zoro threw out another moan, one of his hand clenched onto the edge of the bed. He felt she smiled on his chest.

“R- Robin…Stop it, don’t do something that will you regret after.”


“Robin..I won’t stop!” he started begging to her.

She lifted her head to face him, “Don’t stop!” she whispered as bow and kissed his lips. Zoro lost control, he pulled her even closer and kissed her passionately. This was his first kiss and would be his first time, but there’s no way back. He has warned her. He rolled over and made him on top. They broke the kiss for gasped. He stared her eyes, admired her beauty and kissed her again. His right hand cupped her cheek and the left one gripped her hips roughly. He kissed her over and over again.

“Robin, there’s no way back now..” he whispered while kissed her neck

“Then don’t go back..” replied her as pulled his lips to hers… and the words totally lost.


     Zoro’s mind back to the present while heard someone knocked the door. He lifted his gaze to the door and saw Nami come in.

“Oi Zoro… Are you okay?” asked Nami while sat next to him, Zoro lifted his gaze to her.

“Yeah.. I’m fine..” he replied coldly and threw his gaze to Robin again

“Hmm… Sanji said that you weren’t eating yet since last night. He asked me to call you” said Nami. Zoro just quiet, he didn’t want do anything right now. He just wanted to watch over Robin who was laying weakly on her bed.

“I’m not hungry..” he replied coldly. He kept holding Robin’s hand

“Zoro, I know your felling… I’ll take care of her” she hellbent

“I SAID NO! don’t make me rough to you” said Zoro.

“Okay, if you said so… I’ll leave” she left the room, She never saw Zoro like this before. He never be so emotionally, he was change.

Zoro took Robin’s hand to his lips, the tears filled his eyes. “Robin, please wake up…” he started to sobbed. He never become so weak before, a swordsman may not become weak. But he didn’t care anymore about it, he even didn’t care about being the greatest swordsman, even about Mihawk. He didn’t wanna go to that position without Robin, no.. not without her.

Sanji was leaned out of Robin’s door. At first he wanna drag that shitty swordsman to the kitchen and feeding him, but what he got just Zoro was crying. A cold-blooded stupid swordsman who would never cry even he lost half of his life was crying because a woman. He really felt sorry for his words for Zoro before. He got piss off with him, and that emotion which made him that damn words.



Sanji just walked out of Robin’s room while he saw Zoro stand still on his last place. ‘What with that face, like he was in hell’ thought him in anger. He walked toward him and leaned his back to the rail next to him. He lighten his cigarette, took a deep breath, and blowing out the smoke. He looked away to the sky, he still remembered robin unconscious face; pale, weak, tired, and so fragile.

“The emergency time was passed, now.. She was resting.” He said coldly. Zoro kept silent, he didn’t know what to say, he just felt so happy to hear that she was fine. That was the only thing he want for the rest of his life; Robin is save. “But, she can be in danger even more..” Zoro snapped his eyes to him, he didn’t understand what was Sanji talking about. Sanji noticed his confusion, he looked at his eyes and said coldly “If she be with you… You just gave her nothing but pain, hurt, suffer, even danger.” Sanji paused and looked at to the sky again as blowing another smoke. Zoro still looked at him “And you know the worst part?” said Sanji as looked at his eyes before made his walk toward the kitchen “You even couldn’t protect her. So, don’t you even dare to lay even your single finger on her! I won’t let her go this time, not to a weak bastard like you.”



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